Page 20 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 20

Eduardo Garcia

    Program Details          Production Team Lead
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Manejo De Ensamble, S.A. de C.V.

                             Committed to the team

                             “Protect the safety of myself and my    of achieving our team goals. That       specifically, Javier Leyva Reyes,
                                                                     balance makes my job interesting,
                             colleagues, execute a work plan to      along with creating solutions to        2nd Shift Doors Supervisor,
        2022 Winners         A strong statement, but you’d be        While autonomy and proactivity are      “Eduardo is a leader who leads by
                                                                                                             Manejo de Ensamble, S.A. de C.V.
                             obtain the expected results, and
                                                                     problems that also impact our goals.”
                             work as a team to create a good
                             work environment.”
                                                                                                             example, he pushes for results and
                                                                                                             works together with his team. Within
                                                                     self-reported strengths of his,
                             hard-pressed to find anyone in the
                                                                                                             making sure that they all work safely
                             manufacturing space who would           Eduardo never loses sight of the        his team, he is always concerned with
                                                                     importance of teamwork.
                             disagree with the importance of         “I make a difference by making          with good manufacturing practices.”
                             these three pillars. For Eduardo        an effort to build trust with my        On top of imparting his admirable
                             Garcia, Production Team Lead            team, and by properly delegating        values to his coworkers, Eduardo
                             for Manejo De Ensamble, S.A.            responsibilities to create              also makes an effort to do the same
                             de C.V., this level of direct focus     empowerment and achieve                 for his family, specifically, his wife
                             and dedication has become               our goals.”                             and daughter.
                                                                     Eduardo’s leadership and                “I think the biggest way I make an
                             “I always anticipate the challenges     commitment to team achievement          impact outside of work is setting an
                             that can happen daily, while keeping    have made an impression on his          example for my family, showing that
                             the team on the objective               teammates and supervisors –             with work and effort, we can achieve

                                                                                                             what we set out to do.”

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