Page 18 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 18
Dava Gangursky
Program Details Team Lead – Customer Service Trainer
Door Security Solutions Canada
Helping others reach new heights
Anyone in the supervisory space requests and answering questions. Dava makes a difference not only
knows the importance of proper Working with such a diverse array of at work but in her community as
2022 Winners Security Solutions Canada, helping of knowledge, is no simple task, but organize two fishing derbies for
training for new employee success.
well. Every year, she and her family
audiences, all with different levels
For Dava Gangursky, Team Lead –
underprivileged children in her
Dava thrives in the unpredictability
Customer Service Trainer for Door
town. Each one serves over 100
of her workday.
others reach new heights is the
kids, teaching them how to fish and
new adventure. You don’t know what
kids have fun reeling them in, Dava
“As a trainer, I enjoy training someone “I love what I do. Every day is like a appreciate the outdoors. While the
the next call or email will be. My job
and helping them to reach their goals. can be challenging though, no two gets just as much enjoyment out of
I feel proud when someone in our days are the same. I do find it very the day.
department has moved up in the interesting and rewarding to help our “It melts my heart to see the smiles on
company, knowing that I had a small customers get their issues resolved the kids’ faces and how excited they
role in their achievements.” or get their product to them in a are when they catch their first fish.”
On top of her consistent training timely manner. I also enjoy training
achievements, Dava also makes a our new employees and helping
difference on the customer service our team achieve the next level of
forefront, by addressing customer their career growth.”
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