Page 21 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 21

Fredy Canaza Paco

    Program Details          Warehouse Worker
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE


                             The power of perseverance

                             “No matter how humble your work         One of Fredy’s core philosophies        “Fredy is a person who knows how to
                             is, always do it willingly and in the   that allows him to excel at work is his   be part of a team. This can be seen in
        2022 Winners         Before he started making a difference    “My team stands out because of         smoothly with all his co-workers. He
                             best way.”
                                                                                                             his ability to interact effectively and
                                                                     dedication to proper communication,
                                                                     especially with his teammates and
                                                                                                             is a flexible person when faced with
                                                                     other coworkers.
                             for PUCON as a Warehouse Worker,
                                                                                                             changes, adapting, and proposing
                             Fredy Canaza Paco’s father gave him
                             that advice, giving him a lifelong
                                                                                                             addition, he is responsible with the
                             positive outlook on his professional    the good communication that we          possibilities for improvement. In
                                                                     maintain in the logistics area. This
                             life. Since then, Fredy has excelled    is important because it allows us to    work entrusted to him, aligning
                             in his role at PUCON, reviewing         organize, coordinate, and prioritize    himself with objectives, which in
                             products that enter and leave the       activities that must be attended to,    a changing environment, requires
                             warehouse, managing requests in a       such as dispatches or requirements      speed and stability.”
                             timely manner, and organizing work      in other areas of the company.”         On the weekends, you can find
                             together with the distribution staff.   This dedication to communication        Fredy listening to his favorite
                             “I am a proactive person; I always      and collaboration, and its impact on    music or playing along on his
                             try to better optimize time and         the company overall, have drawn         wind instruments.
                             resources. To accomplish this, it is    the attention of Fredy’s colleagues,
                             important to organize my activities     specifically Miriam Lynch, Head of
                             in advance, even if that implies        Logistics at PUCON.
                             more work time. It allows me to be
                             efficient and achieve positive results.”

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