Page 16 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 16

Cheryl Peters

    Program Details          Customer Service Supervisor
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Medeco Security Locks, Inc.

                             The impact of meaningful connections

                             When you’re up against competitors      customer service. Seeing the            team, which has resulted in an
                                                                     teamwork between the customer
                             offering similar products or solutions,     service specialists and order       overwhelmingly supportive and
        2022 Winners         connecting factor that makes            Cheryl cites her success in             “My teams are very resourceful,
                             elite customer service can be the
                                                                                                             productive work environment.
                                                                     entry is very rewarding.”
                             a difference for customers and
                                                                                                             diligent, and loyal. Everyone has
                             suppliers alike. Making these
                                                                                                             been cross-trained on the team, so
                                                                     establishing these connections
                             meaningful connections is what
                                                                     to her commitment to leaving a
                             gives Cheryl Peters, Customer Service
                                                                     positive impression on anyone
                                                                                                             do not miss a beat. They get along
                             Supervisor for Medeco Security Locks,   she interacts with, no matter           even when we are short-handed, we
                                                                                                             well and always have fun. This team
                             Inc., the motivation to excel           their background or status.             has done a tremendous job this
                             in her role.                                                                    year and I feel honored to have the
                                                                     “Everyone is my customer, internal or
                             “Seeing the connections between         external. I make myself available for   opportunity to work with them.”
                             the customers and the factory is        whatever issue or concern they may      When she’s not making an impact at
                             what makes my job interesting.          have. I really enjoy getting to know    work or helping others do the same,
                             I really enjoy working with all         all our employees and being a part      you can find Cheryl out on the golf
                             departments to get resolutions for      of this organization.”                  course or planning social events with
                             our customers. Every day is a new                                               her friends and family.
                             opportunity to provide excellent        As a supervisor, Cheryl also tries to
                                                                     impart these philosophies to her

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