Page 11 - PMAD 2023 eBook
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Behret Troller

    Program Details          Manufacturing Engineer
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Corbin Russwin

                             Making improvements every day

                             When it comes to meeting goals,         Managing details of these varying       flow, inventory management,
                             logistics management is critical        sizes has required Behret to develop    and assembly within the exits
        2022 Winners         For Behret Troller, Manufacturing       “I work really hard to have the best    This effort did not go unnoticed by
                                                                                                             department, making everything
                             on both a micro and macro scale.
                                                                     a mindset based on continuous
                                                                                                             more streamlined and optimized.
                                                                     improvement, one that serves him well
                                                                     for accomplishing his everyday tasks.
                             Engineer, Corbin Russwin, he’s
                                                                                                             those around him, with Sanel Jahic,
                             become a master of both.
                             “I am responsible for continuous
                                                                                                             positive changes that have resulted
                                                                     projects I work on. I like to think
                             improvement initiatives that happen     possible outcomes from all the          Profit Center Manager, noting the
                             in the exits department profit center.   outside the box and ask a lot of       from Behret’s work.
                             These lean improvements range from      questions about how or why we do        “Behret has played a pivotal
                             projects as large as building new       certain processes. I think by pushing   part in the exits profit center’s
                             assembly lines or changing the layout   back on some of the standards           transformation. He has helped
                             of work areas to smaller projects       or typical responses to issues, my      redesign all-new production cells
                             like designing fixtures utilizing the   teammates and I can come up with        that enhanced the overall quality
                             poka yoke method to mistake-proof       some really clever solutions.”          and efficiency of the manufacturing
                             an assembly process. I am also          Behret’s work has left a lasting mark   process. These changes contributed
                             responsible for managing all kaizen     on his department – specifically, the   to enhancing customer satisfaction,
                             events done in the department,          layout transformation project he was    and agility metrics have increased by
                             including those done on the             assigned to lead. Behret worked with    double digits year to date.”
                             production floor and with our           his team to improve product

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