Page 15 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 15

Chad Hicks

    Program Details          Maintenance Leader
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Ceco Door Products

                             A seeker of solutions

                             Effective problem-solving is one of     “I have always liked working on         by implementing an idea he had
                                                                                                             for manufacturing optimization.
                                                                     equipment and solving problems,
                             the most applicable and impactful       and with this job, it becomes an        These milestones, along with his
        2022 Winners         Some even choose to dedicate their      adventure. Every day is a new           day-to-day achievements, have
                             professional passions one can have.
                                                                     challenge, and working with the auto
                                                                                                             caught the attention of Josh Canada,
                             careers to that rewarding process
                                                                                                             Maintenance Manager, Ceco Door
                                                                     and paint line, you never know what
                             of trial and error. For Chad Hicks,
                                                                     to expect. This is what makes my
                             Maintenance Leader for Ceco Door
                                                                                                             Products, and Chad’s supervisor,
                             Products, it’s the dedication to
                                                                                                             as well.
                             this process that both makes him        work so interesting to me, plus the     “Chad is meticulous, observant, and
                                                                     fantastic people I work with and the
                             a difference-maker at work and          help they give.”                        takes initiative to do what needs to
                             motivates him to do his best            Chad’s efforts to optimize and          be done to keep the plant running.
                             each day.                               maintain systems within his             Chad looks for ways to improve
                             Chad spends most of his day working     departments are reflected positively    the processes and procedures to
                             with technical and production team      not only through improved company       eliminate downtime or speed up
                             members to maintain and improve         productivity and efficiency but         repairs. Chad does not let much
                             production lines. This multifaceted     through recognition he receives         bother him and usually responds
                             work with changing priorities may be    from his peers. Chad is a past winner   with ‘Okay, that’s fine’ when things
                             overwhelming for some, but for Chad,    of the Employee Involvement Award,      change or don’t go as planned. Chad
                             it’s what keeps him coming back.        which he received for saving            has certainly made a difference and
                                                                     Ceco Door Products over $35,000         is very deserving of this award.”

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