Page 9 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 9
Agnaldo Bispo Alves
Program Details Machine Operator
Papaiz Udinese
Putting safety first
Safety and efficiency are essential, Agnaldo not only looks out for his towards the same goal. Together,
especially on the factory floor in teammates by making sure they all we’ve created a very harmonious
2022 Winners for Agnaldo Bispo Alves, Machine “My most important responsibility is productivity high.”
the manufacturing industry. But
work environment while keeping
meet their goals, but by keeping
them safe through his accident
prevention work.
Operator at Papaiz Udinese, every
Agnaldo’s passion for his work and
day revolves around these two values
professional life has been growing for
as he navigates around his workspace
to ensure the safety of the work area
and operates different types of
difference both at work and at home
machinery to meet team goals. as a member of the internal accident years, and he’s been making a
for decades on end – always finding
prevention committee.”
“As far as my daily routine at work, I Agnaldo and his teammates, thriving time for both in his day-to-day life.
usually arrive at my department and in a healthy, safe, and productive “I started to work at the company
greet my colleagues, then carry out environment that Agnaldo helped when I was 19 years old. I built my
the Daily Safety Dialogue. After that, create, have forged a positive and career and then raised my family.
I begin to work on my tasks on the collaborative workspace that is noticed Now, I’m 54 years old, married to my
floor. It is a very dynamic routine by everyone they interact with. wife and we have three children.”
where everyone helps each other
to achieve maximum productivity.” “We help each other. We are united
and engaged while working
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