Page 8 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 8
Program Details Verissimo da Silva
SAC Coordinator
Industria Metalurgica Silvana
Exhibiting enthusiasm every day
Customer support is obviously Dealing with a diverse customer Adriana a strong reputation with
important in every stage of the base is not without its challenges, her colleagues – specifically, Klauber
2022 Winners overlooked is the support offered all kinds. “Adriana constantly demonstrates
sales process, but one that is often
but ultimately, Adriana and her
Jorge Canuto, one of Adriana’s
team greatly enjoy creating positive
after the sale. Difference-makers
outcomes for customers and cases of
in this department are crucial to
her capacity for self-motivation,
making sure customers have a
positive impression that ultimately
interactions and assisting customers
communicative. She interacts very
leads to a long-term partnership. “The challenges we face in our and proactivity. She is very
well with the internal and external
with different wants and needs
For Adriana Verissimo da Silva, SAC make every day interesting. It’s team, especially representatives.
Coordinator at Industria Metalurgica exciting to see how through our Every day she motivates and helps
Silvana, creating that impression is help a customer’s experience can be everyone by demonstrating positive
the goal every day. positive, even if there was an issue attitudes, leading by example, and
“My typical day is challenging originally. Witnessing the team’s having the energy to make things
but enjoyable, as each customer progress is inspiring. We work hard happen regardless of adverse
interaction is unique. Seeing the to show the importance of caring situations, sparing no effort to
satisfaction of our customers always about what’s wrong and always seek resolve requests and problems.”
brings me joy. I also train and develop improvements.”
my team; seeing them successfully This willingness to help and put in
assisting customers gives me a sense extra effort to resolve conflicts, no
of accomplishment” matter the circumstances, has given
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