Page 26 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 26
Jacqueline Contreras
Program Details Warehouse Administrator
Odis SPA
Seeing challenges as opportunities to grow
In an environment with as many “I think what sets me apart is that I go industry, and ultimately learning so
moving parts as a warehouse, beyond the functions of my position. many things, like our products, the
2022 Winners Administrator, Odis SPA is one of problems that may arise, and I them, and managing the software
materials needed to manufacture
effective managers can be the
I always seek to anticipate possible
difference between hitting a
that controls inventory from the
goal or deadline and missing it.
look for solutions with the people
who oversee my projects. I carry a
Jacqueline Contreras, Warehouse
very good disposition and cordial
those goal-achievers.
and studious muscles at work,
I interact with.”
Jacqueline likes to flex them in the
On a typical day, Jacqueline maintains treatment toward everyone When she’s not flexing her creative
the order of the warehouse, manages Jacqueline has come a long way in her kitchen, whipping up special treats
inventory, requests supplies, and current role, starting from scratch for her loved ones.
makes sure the employees have to learn new software and systems “What I like to do in my spare time is
everything they need to effectively to keep the warehouse running cook. I enjoy making Chilean Country
carry out the manufacturing process. efficiently, something she takes Bread for my family. That relaxes me
But Jacqueline takes it a step further great pride in. a lot, and we all get a nice teatime
and makes a difference by never “I think my biggest achievement in together, accompanied by a delicious
being afraid to step outside her the company is having come to work piece of homemade bread.”
day-to-day duties. knowing nothing about the
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