Page 25 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 25
Henser Quezada
Program Details Financial Coordinator
Yale Imports Market
Creating analytical advantages
Effectively managing bottom lines Henser’s work is not only critically financially, most notably, by
is unquestionably important for any important but also extremely introducing a shift in the company’s
2022 Winners success of the business itself but for immaculate attention to detail. significant cost savings for Yale
business, not only for the sustained
technically demanding, requiring
tax regime, which resulted in
Imports Market. Executing this wide
However, Henser is up to the
the well-being and security of fellow
array of tasks has given Henser an
employees. This makes experts in
challenge and is motivated by the
impact of his work.
this department, like Henser
innate sense for potential future
Quezada, Financial Coordinator,
impact both his own work and the
Yale Imports Market, critical to a “What makes my job intriguing is the moves that have the potential to
analytical demand it necessitates,
business surviving and thriving. involving the interpretation of entire business.
Henser illustrates this through his figures, outcomes, and future- “Anticipating events is what I believe
day-to-day work. oriented decision-making. The work sets me apart. Familiarizing myself
“I oversee profitability analysis, I do creates a competitive advantage with the financial landscape and
manage accounts receivable, handle for the company, as the data I leveraging my skills, coupled with
treasury operations, and administer work with drives strategic choices. my enjoyment of thoroughly
our retail point of sale. On a typical Working with numbers and trends, I reviewing processes, allows me
workday, I always allocate time to provide insights that pave the way for to excel in my role.”
monitor product cost trends to informed actions and planning.” Outside of work, you can find
ensure profitability for On top of this day-to-day impact, Henser reading, watching movies,
the company.” Henser also gets involved in special or exploring the great outdoors.
projects to help the company
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