Page 27 - PMAD 2023 eBook
P. 27

Jeremiah Alexander

    Program Details          Team Lead – Shipping Dock
                             M A K E S  A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Pemko Manufacturing Company

                             Moving it all forward

                             Getting outstanding products into       A department with as many moving        colleagues in other departments to
                             customers’ hands in a timely and        parts as shipping can certainly         “Aside from leading in shipping, I do
                                                                                                             ensure customer satisfaction.
        2022 Winners         overall satisfaction, and boosting      new challenges with them, and while     my best to help and work with other
                             efficient manner is key to attaining
                                                                     become hectic. New orders bring
                                                                     this can make for a widely variable
                             your reputation as a brand. When
                                                                                                             departments as needed. I believe the
                             it comes to every aspect of the
                                                                     work week, Jeremiah and his team
                                                                                                             best way to lead is not just by words
                                                                     enjoy tackling the challenges and
                             shipping process, from expediting,
                             to packing orders, to helping out
                                                                     exercising their adaptability.
                                                                                                             When he’s not excelling at work,
                             his teammates on the shipping           “I would describe a typical workday as   but by actions.”
                             dock, Jeremiah Alexander, Team          being eventful and productive. Even     Jeremiah enjoys unplugging,
                             Lead – Shipping Dock at Pemko           though at times, challenging events     attending concerts, visiting resorts,
                             Manufacturing Company, is ready         or tasks might arise, our associates    and practicing mindfulness to relax
                             to make a difference.                   pull together as a team to conquer      alongside his wife, who also makes
                             “At Pemko and ASSA ABLOY, we all        these problematic situations.”          a difference as a nurse. He also
                                                                                                             enjoys spending time with his two
                             work towards the same goal – to         Although he is in a leadership          stepchildren and three grandkids.
                             make our customers happy with our       position as Team Lead, Jeremiah is
                             services and products.”                 never afraid to collaborate and work
                                                                     alongside both his teammates and

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