Page 42 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 42

Will Tomlinson

    Program Details          Supply Chain Supervisor
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Pemko Manufacturing

                             Creating a chain of support for one another

                             Supply chain difficulties have          “I start the day by touching base with   take lightly, and recognize as they
                                                                                                             strive to do their best work each day.
                             become a famous business symptom        the receiving employees to see if       “The receiving department gets a
        2022 Winners         last few years. While many factors,     “Then the day starts, I can bounce      lot of attention due to the fact that
                             of the COVID-19 pandemic over the
                                                                     there is any they need, any updates
                                                                     they may have, or any help they need
                                                                     throughout the day,” Will explains.
                             including shortages and price surges,
                                                                                                             everything in the plant starts there.
                             are largely uncontrollable, difference-
                                                                                                             Due to this the quality, the accuracy
                                                                     from helping set up various machines
                             making staff in the supply chain
                                                                                                             of everything that is done must be
                             department can help quell some
                                                                                                             consistent and of high quality.
                                                                     or an alternate part for a shortage.
                             issues. For Pemko Manufacturing         to helping find an alternative supplier   The workload in this department
                             in Memphis, TN, Supply Chain            I bounce around the facility all        fluctuates day-to-day, moving
                             Supervisor Will Tomlinson is one of     throughout the day helping answer       from days where over 100 skids of
                             those difference-makers.                questions or find solutions to          material are received, to days where
                             Most of Will’s day revolves around      whatever current issue has come up.”    less than 25 are received. No matter
                             support: supporting his team in the     Everyone at Pemko depends on the        the circumstances, the Receiving
                             manufacturing departments, and          efficiency of Will and his team, as they   department continues to perform to
                             supporting the many moving parts        are tasked with providing the whole     a high standard.”
                             of the supply chain.                    plant with the tools and resources      Outside of work, Will enjoys spending
                                                                     they need to get their jobs done.       time with his wife and children.
                                                                     This is a responsibility that they do not

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