Page 41 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 41
Tiffany Mayo
Program Details Senior Product Manager
Yale Real Living
Working hard and working together
Products can only go as far as the While Tiffany and her team are This groundbreaking achievement, in
people who know their impact. always thinking forward, the launch Tiffany’s opinion, is reflective of the
2022 Winners Yale Real Living of Berlin, CT, Senior and it’s been cause for celebration in “We have a small team, but we have
This makes partnerships, both with
hard work and chemistry her team
of the Yale Assure Lock 2, what they
generates at work every day.
people and corporations, a crucial
feel to be one of their crown jewels,
area for any growing business. For
her department.
high output, and we are able to
Product Manager Tiffany Mayo is in
charge of making sure the power
our group in the last 5 years, and a lot
When she’s not chasing after the
of their door security innovations “It is the largest product launch for accomplish a lot.”
of time, energy and effort was spent
travels as far as possible. making this product launch possible. next milestone at work, you can find
“I am responsible for developing and The omni-channel approach that was Tiffany out on the water with her
husband chasing after bass in fishing
launching smart locks to the retail put together by the marketing team tournaments throughout her home
partners, such as Lowe’s, Best Buy, is breathtaking, and our team was state of Connecticut and New York.
Home Depot and Amazon,” Tiffany able to secure placement in 3,000 “It is a fun way to be competitive,
explains. “This involves working stores throughout the US. There have do something rewarding with my
with engineering teams to develop been so many milestones met with spouse, and spend time outside.”
the product, and then working with this launch, and it feels great to be a
sales and marketing to launch the part of it.”
products to various partners.”
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