Page 39 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 39
Stacy Pritts
Program Details Lead Operator
Rockwood Manufacturing Company
Encouraging others to work together
Timeliness and keeping everything “They are hard workers and they are always jumping in and helping with
on schedule, from workers to willing to go above and beyond to any difficult task that presents itself,
2022 Winners company’s productivity and building are willing to help one another every morning. He is a key part to
products, is critical to maximizing a
get the orders out on time. They
as well as being the first one here
a positive reputation. This is true
keeping the RM Department running
when asked.”
both internally and externally.
smoothly on a daily basis.”
Meeting deadlines and quotas for
On the internal side at Rockwood
Manufacturing in Rockwood, PA,
also has a positive impact on his
of leadership, a quality that Joey
Lead Operator Stacy Pritts is making an entire team requires a great deal Stacy’s work ethic and willingness
home life. He’s often engaged in
Miller, RM Supervisor at Rockwood
sure everything stays on pace. Manufacturing, says Stacy brings to various handyman tasks around
“I make sure RM employees are the workplace every day. both his own and his mother’s house,
working by date, and keep things “Stacy has established himself as a helping his family live better. He also
in order to meet their due dates,” great leader over the years here at has a son who has taken up the trade,
Stacy explains. Rockwood Manufacturing thanks to working at Rockwood as well.
Team engagement is a high priority his knowledge of processes and work
for Stacy, and a key to meeting his ethic,” Joey tells us. “This has led to
goals. This is made easy by a team him being respected by the rest of
who is always ready to meet his his coworkers and building up a team
standard of team-playing, he says. atmosphere. He leads by example by
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