Page 35 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 35

Rapinder Mahil

    Program Details          Customer Service Team Lead
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Door Security Solutions Canada

                             Making each day count

                             Effective service means different       projects at once allows her to thrive   But while she does take a somewhat
                                                                     in this environment.
                             things to different people and it takes   “In customer service, you never know   rigid approach to her tasks at work,
        2022 Winners         This is where difference-makers like    what kind of day is in store for you,   to being an effective leader is the
                                                                                                             it’s not lost on Rapinder that a key
                             on different forms across companies
                             and fields. For our customers, this
                             means being supported throughout
                                                                                                             human element, and she’s quick to
                                                                     no two days are ever the same. I also
                                                                                                             acknowledge the greatness of the
                             the entire buying process, and after.
                                                                     enjoy working on projects outside of
                                                                                                             people around her.
                             Rapinder Mahil, Customer Service
                                                                     part of something that makes the
                             Team Lead at Door Security Solutions    my customer service role. I find being   “Our team is reliable, positive, and
                                                                                                             adaptable. We showcase the
                                                                     needle move in the right direction
                             (DSS), Canada, come in.                 very satisfying.”                       perfect mix of managing customer
                             “I work with agencies to provide top    Rapinder also credits her organized,    expectations, accountability, and
                             level customer service experience for   sequential line of thinking for her     keeping in line with our core values.
                             our customers,” Rapinder explains.      success in her role.                    And lastly, we take pride in our work,
                             “I’m also the team lead for all of our                                          and that projects to our customers.”
                             customer service team members at        “I am a very process driven person,
                             DSS Canada.”                            and once I have created best
                                                                     practices for myself, I stick with them.
                             Customer service work is extremely      I also don’t like to fail, which is why
                             dynamic, especially in a managerial     I am in competition with myself.
                             role. However, Rapinder’s ability       That is how I measure my success.”
                             to multitask and take on multiple

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