Page 33 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 33

Paul Fiondella

    Program Details          Automation Technician
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Sargent Manufacturing Company

                             Routine is the key to success

                             In any mechanical system, especially    I’ve also been mentoring a new          “Joining the army was one of the best
                             in a business setting, routine          apprentice recently.”                   decisions I ever made. It set me off
        2022 Winners         part and machine is in good shape       all required work to meet his           On the weekends, you can find
                                                                                                             on a good path for my future.”
                             maintenance and ensuring that every
                                                                     But Paul can’t personally execute
                             is critical to efficient production
                                                                                                             Paul partaking in “anything
                                                                     lofty goals. Luckily, he has a team
                             and meeting quotas. For Paul
                                                                                                             competitive,” in his own words,
                                                                     around him that complements his
                             Fiondella, Automation Technician
                             at Sargent Manufacturing of New
                                                                     all-encompassing group.
                                                                                                             pool, bowling, biking, and fishing.
                             Haven, CT, ensuring the wellbeing       strong suits and forms a cohesive,      specifically enjoying golf, cornhole,
                             of every machine involved in the        “Everyone in the maintenance            While Paul routinely soars
                             manufacturing process is the goal.      department works very well together.    professionally in his role as
                                                                     We are willing to do whatever it takes   Automation Technician, he also
                             “Troubleshooting and repairing all      to get equipment up and running         aspires to reach new heights
                             machines in the shop is my primary      as quick as possible. I believe all     outside of work, literally.
                             responsibility,” Paul explains.         managers know they can count on us
                             “Making continuous improvements         to keep the shop running smoothly.”     “If I knew I couldn’t fail, the one thing
                             on existing equipment, wiring and                                               I would do in life is fly in a wingsuit.”
                             programming for new projects,           Also being a veteran, Paul credits his
                             wiring for electrical installations,    origins in the military for the
                             and continuous programming on           beginnings of his success.
                             all robotic cells are critical as well.

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