Page 29 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 29

Manuel Zertuche

    Program Details          Factory Supervisor
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Emtek Products

                             Practicing patience and determination

                             “I am responsible for everything.”      “I enjoy working with this team.        This dedication to his people,

                             As you can see, when you ask Manuel     Coaching or implementing change         environment, and productivity has
        2022 Winners         at Emtek in City of Industry, CA        certain amount of patience and          “Manny is a person that any
                                                                                                             drawn notice from those around
                                                                     is always different, and it takes a
                             “Manny” Zertuche, Factory Supervisor
                                                                                                             Manny, specifically Miguel Flores,
                                                                     determination to sustain it. I enjoy
                                                                                                             Production Manager at Emtek.
                             what his responsibilities entail
                                                                     people too – how to motivate them,
                             day-to-day, he’s quick to look at
                                                                     how to communicate with them
                             the bigger picture.
                                                                                                             working with,” Miguel tells us.
                             “I oversee the largest assembly         so they understand. We have great       management team would enjoy
                                                                     people here at Emtek so it helps.”
                             department here at Emtek, with                                                  “His dedication and responsibility
                             74 employees,” Manny explains.          Being in a leadership role also calls   to work allows him meet the
                             “My main focus is on safety,            for innovation and forward-thinking,    expected goals. When he realizes
                             quality, productivity, attendance       a responsibility that Manny not only    that some of his goals will not met,
                             of the department.”                     faces head-on, but appreciates about    he focuses on them by working
                                                                     his surroundings at work.               hard, and using the tools provided
                             Supervising a team that large comes                                             to reach the outcome desired. And,
                             with an ever-changing dynamic and       “I enjoy implementing new processes.    if for some reason he does not find
                             demand, but Manny says that it’s one    Some can be difficult and I guess       the solution, he finds support from
                             of his favorite parts of coming into    I enjoy the challenge of it. Where      his colleagues and his supervisor
                             work every day.                         could I get this kind of challenge if    to find the desired outcome.”
                                                                     I wasn’t working here?”

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