Page 25 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 25
Jose Antonio
Program Details Alvarez Sanchez
Team Leader
Supporting one another for success
Great managers are the heart Not only does Jose help his team get “In the future, I hope we improve
and soul of great teams and great ahead by creating effective plans our processes to create the most
2022 Winners progress, managing conflicts, “I have trained colleagues in and manufacture them here. I have
technologically advanced locks,
companies. From monitoring
for their workdays, but he also takes
pride in being an effective mentor
dreamed of SMED cards having a
and creating strategic plans,
for them.
much more automated process, for
difference-makers in leadership
example, using modern technology
positions can prove especially
impactful. For Phillips in Mexico,
them to be able to get positions
Team Leader Jose Antonio Alvarez activities that are important for like tablets or screens.”
Jose says he finds inspiration both
within the organization. To gain
Sanchez helps move his colleagues the support of my colleagues and near and far, citing motivation from
forward through brilliant leadership. gain additional understanding of his colleagues and his daughter,
“I review pending issues before my own work by doing so makes who is currently in college studying
starting shift with the area supervisor me particularly proud.” communications. On the weekends,
and my co-workers, coordinate the Despite remaining consistently you can find him barbecuing with her
supply of materials with colleagues focused on the day-to-day and the rest of his family, catching up
to be used that day, and establish operations of his team and Phillips on TV, or taking his Maltese Laika for
the work plan together with the as a company, Jose still keeps walks in the park.
supervisor of the production orders.” an eye on the future.
Jose explains.
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