Page 22 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 22
Isabelle Wu
Program Details Office Manager
August Home
Improving the experience
A productive and successful office celebrations, conferences, team to help to ensure that every aspect
has many moving parts, but a truly While much of Isabelle’s job comes of the office is running as smoothly
2022 Winners leadership. This comes not only in down to logistics and predictable there for my peers.”
great workplace requires great
as possible. I also try to constantly be
the form of executives, but also in
All of these experiences have added
operations, there is still no shortage
managers who oversee everyday
of surprises in her average day.
up to a meaningful and beneficial
operations. For August Home’s
office in San Francisco, CA, Office
responsibilities, unexpected
Manager Isabelle Wu keeps “Aside from my primary experience at August Home for
everything on track. things happen, such as assisting “The best job I’ve ever had was here at
other departments with shipping August Home because of the growth
“I maintain the day-to-day operations out test locks and in one instance I experienced this year. I am
of the office,” Isabelle explains. running around town to get a constantly learning new things and
“I work with office vendors, ensure wheelchair for permit approvals.” stepping outside of my comfort
all vendors are invoiced and paid on zone. I have gained experience and
time, address employee questions On top of her dependability, Isabelle developed skills that will follow
regarding the office, provide takes pride in her adaptability. me anywhere.”
general support to visitors, assist “I believe I go above and beyond my
with on-boarding for new hires, everyday activities by taking on any
assist with travel arrangements, task thrown my way. Whether the
and plan activities such as parties, task is big or small, I’m always willing
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