Page 18 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 18

Dominika Leniart

    Program Details          Credit Analyst
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Sargent / ASSA ABLOY Shared Services

                             Seeking out new solutions

                             Companies devote a lot of time and      in good standing with ASSA ABLOY        Dominika’s natural people skills
                             resources to customer satisfaction,     and payments are made on time.”         impact everyone she interacts with,
        2022 Winners         This is where experts like Dominika     very technical aspects, according to    with her expertise in her field,
                             and rightfully so. But an underrated
                                                                                                             far or near. And, when combined
                                                                     While Dominika’s role does have
                             part of a successful business is
                                                                                                             these skills really shine by creating
                             making sure those customers remain
                                                                     her, it’s ultimately her people skills
                                                                                                             teaching opportunities. Bill Johnston,
                             in good standing with the company.
                                                                     that drive her job and make her a
                                                                                                             Corporate Credit Manager and
                                                                     difference-maker. And it’s not just
                             Leniart, Credit Analyst for
                                                                     interactions with coworkers
                                                                                                             note of this.
                             ASSA ABLOY Shared Services in New       and local customers – Dominika’s        Dominika’s colleague, has taken
                             Haven, CT, come in, for the benefit     average day sees her interacting with   “Dominka is a great teacher,” Bill tells
                             of both the customer and everyone       people from all over the world.         us, “She recently shared an integral
                             involved in supply.                                                             part in training one of our newest
                                                                     “I get to work with multiple
                             “As a credit analyst, I am responsible   ASSA ABLOY companies, not only         team members on cash application
                             for managing customer accounts,         in the U.S., but also internationally.   and continues to coach the team
                             mitigating risk, and reviewing and      Part of my job is also managing         member today.”
                             approving applications for new          an international portfolio, which       Outside of work, you can find
                             customers, all while following          provides opportunities to work          Dominika watching sports or
                             company policies,” Dominika             with customers from Japan, Egypt,       checking new national parks off
                             explains, “I review and release orders,   and the U.K. It is great for seeing   of her travel bucket list.
                             while making sure that customers are    different perspectives and widening

                                                                     my horizons.”

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