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Danilo Wagner

    Program Details          Fernandes Barbosa

                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             IT Supervisor
                             AAB Sistemas

                             Challenging limits, finding solutions

                             Functional and efficient technology     maintaining global compliance for       Danilo is a natural problem solver,
                             is the lifeblood of almost every        cyber threat protection. However,       and someone who seeks answers in
        2022 Winners         Sistemas, is no exception which         still holds true for Danilo and         “One of my hobbies is learning how
                                                                     even in a generally individualized
                             business today. ASSA ABLOY Brazil
                                                                                                             every area of his life. This applies both
                                                                                                             at work and in his personal time.
                                                                     field, the value of working together
                             makes outstanding information
                             technology specialists, like IT
                                                                     his team.
                                                                                                             things work. Not only IT related, but
                             Supervisor Danilo Wagner Fernandes
                             Barbosa, all the more important.
                                                                     out is teamwork. They have their
                                                                                                             for disassembling videos and service
                                                                                                             manuals, or I take apart something
                             “IT is something that I love to do.     “The main reason that my team stands    everything that’s around me. I look
                                                                     responsibilities in the business units,
                             It allows me to help the company and    but they work together as a team,       that’s broken to allow me to
                             my colleagues in a multicultural and    helping each other to achieve goals,    see and learn about the inner
                             dynamic environment.” Danilo tells      helping users whenever necessary.       workings. The troubleshooting skills
                             us, “It’s challenging and requires me   All knowledge acquired to solve         help me figure things out.”
                             to always be up to date.”               any problem or suggestion for           On the weekends, you can find
                             Danilo’s day-to-day responsibilities    process improvement is shared with      Danilo spending quality time with his
                             are very technical, including           the team. They not only help the        wife and two children.
                             controlling IT resources/processes,     user with requests but listen and
                             reviewing security reports,             understand what the user needs to
                             responding to service alerts, and       deliver the best solution.”

                                                                                                                                   PE     PL E
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