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P. 13
Daniel Thomas
Program Details Help Desk Administrator
Luxer One
Not afraid to help
A typical day for Daniel Thomas, Help that mindset into his larger, more “What makes my job interesting is
Desk Administrator at Luxer One in visible projects – projects that usually the flexibility to make the role what
2022 Winners sure everyone around him is safe, “One big project that many people my role makes it very interesting, as
McClellan, CA, boils down to making
I want it to be. The entire freedom of
benefit his entire Luxer One team.
well as the ability to keep on learning
prepared, and has everything they
at work in the office recognize is
and evolving.”
need to make a difference in their
when we ran all of the cables for
own departments. Working behind
the access points in the office and
the scenes, Daniel is there to push
restructured and upgraded our
aspects that makes Daniel valuable to
both himself and his co-workers WiFi. I got the opportunity to run It’s the culmination of all these
Luxer One, and in turn, makes Luxer
ahead daily through initiatives point on the whole project and got One valuable to Daniel.
focused on efficiency. to see it through from conception
“I take care of on-boarding and off- to execution.” “The freedom, the ability to make
change, and the variety of people I
boarding user accounts, as well as But while Daniel displays all these get to connect with makes this easily
equipment tracking, ordering, and technical proficiencies and more, one of the best jobs I’ve had.”
purchasing,” Daniel tells us, including managing office security
“I also make sure the network inside and his company’s single sign-on
the office is up and running.” system, through his day-to-day
With optimization being front work, on a larger scale, he enjoys the
and center in his day-to-day flexibility and freedom that come
responsibilities, Daniel translates with the rest of his days.
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