Page 9 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 9
Aron Erlandson
Program Details Manufacturing Assistant
Electromechanical Solutions Group
Meeting new challenges
In any successful group venture, sure the facility is successful day in “In the month of August, we were able
whether you reach your ultimate goal and day out. I may have a specific to achieve a productivity score 30%
2022 Winners you assemble but how you take care responsible for, but I will still go the was 95%, which was the best out of
above baseline. Our quality score
is dependent not only on the team
department or team that I’m
all other departments. I think this
extra mile if I see any other area that
of that team and the tools for success
shows the amount of effort I put into
you provide them with. At the
may need my assistance – whether
that be working on a production
the team to guide them, and also the
Electromechanical Solutions Group
line, all the way up to filling in for
in Phoenix, AZ, Manufacturing
Assistant Aron Erlandson assumes supervisors on the production floor. amount of effort the team is putting
in to get us into this position.”
that responsibility and makes it his I embrace any task or challenge When he’s not excelling at work, you
goal for the production team, and presented to me as a chance to learn can find Aron cruising through his
the company as a whole, to reach and do the very best that I can do.” home state of Arizona, listening to
their full potential – a goal he realizes Aron’s efforts and willingness to go country music and searching for new
has many moving parts. above and beyond have been proving coffee shops.
“I make a difference by making sure fruitful, as his team is reaching new
I do everything possible to make heights in 2022.
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