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Ben Nolan

    Program Details          OP Quality Team Lead
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE


                             Always improving

                             The products and services you           “One of the most interesting parts      him high praise from his supervisors,
                             deliver, and in turn your reputation    of my job is the amount of variability,   including Dayle Colombo, Quality
        2022 Winners         of consistent-quality systems           to work on. I like to be a team         “He always wants to help people no
                                                                     there is always something new
                                                                                                             Manager, Order Engineering
                             as a company, hinge on the level
                                                                                                             at Curries.
                                                                     player by communicating with
                             you produce. Thus, elite quality
                             assurance in your processes, like what
                                                                     different departments, and
                                                                                                             matter what he may be working on,
                                                                     initiating conversations to look
                             OP Quality Team Lead Ben Nolan
                             provides for Curries in Mason City, IA,
                                                                                                             ensure everything gets completed,”
                             is essential.                           at potential creative improvements      and will put in the extra hours to
                                                                     to our process.”
                                                                                                             Dayle tells us, “The way Ben is able
                             Ben’s day-to-day operations are very    Ben’s team-player attitude shows        to look at our systems, procedures,
                             technical – from updating language      not only in his actions, but his goals.   and product to then turn all that
                             on work instructions to helping the     He aspires to revamp the electric       information into a process that is
                             Curries team transition to a new        hardware ordering process at            quality and productivity-conscious
                             program called “Buy Design” – but he    Curries, streamlining them to involve   is amazing!”
                             says the most interesting parts of his   fewer hands and be more guided         Outside of work, you can find Ben
                             job lie in the more abstract, and the   by the customer.                        spending quality time with his wife
                             different perspectives he gains from    Both Ben’s people-oriented side and     and daughters, chasing their favorite
                             doing a broad array of work.            his technical expertise have drawn      collective passion: ice cream.

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