Page 8 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 8

Andres Del Pino

    Program Details          Administrative and Sales Chief
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Yale Imports

                             A strong commitment

                             Keeping good books is essential         generated, allowing professional        specifically Cesar A. Correa, Finance
                             to a successful business, both          and personal growth.”                   “Andres has shown a strong
                                                                                                             & Admin Manager.
        2022 Winners         Imports in Uruguay understands          similar tasks to be completed time      commitment to team
                             internally and externally. Yale
                                                                     The world of accounting can
                                                                     often be repetitive and require
                             this, which is why they seek out
                                                                                                             members, leading by example
                             difference-makers like Andres Del
                                                                     and again with consistency. This
                                                                                                             and continuously looking for
                             Pino, Administrative and Sales Chief.
                                                                                                             external processes. As a financial
                             In a typical day, Andres will look      minimal margin for error can be         improvements in internal and
                                                                     daunting, but Andres finds meaning
                             over the accounting books for           and value in this work.                 leader, he has found great success
                             Yale Imports, report his findings       “I make a difference by giving          in implementing new controls and
                             and results, and create collection      meaning to what I do, and taking        procedures for the accounting
                             portfolios to keep everything           on new tasks and challenges every       process. He has developed a key
                             organized. Those tasks require          day. Even though I have to do some      role in commercial activity with
                             a diverse skill set, but if you ask     of them routinely, they keep me in a    local customers in Uruguay
                             Andres, that’s the best part about      state of constant improvement and       as well.”
                             his job.                                enjoying what I choose as work.”        Outside of work, you can find

                             “The constant challenges make           This extra attention and enthusiasm     Andres playing soccer or tennis, as
                             the job so interesting. New             have proven infectious to Andres’       well as going on trips with his family.
                             opportunities are always                colleagues and supervisors,

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