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P. 11

Cynthia Amuro

    Program Details          Senior Graphic Designer
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             ASSA ABLOY, Inc .

                             Having passion for what you do every day

                             Communicating effectively is the        Cynthia tells us. “I also use the       This creative mindset doesn’t end
                             key to success in many professional     morning to revisit creative projects    “I’m a really good cook! Food and
                                                                                                             when Cynthia goes home for the day.
        2022 Winners         – but one form that often goes          see if the new day has brought on       family meant everything growing
                             areas. This can take many forms,
                                                                     that I worked on the day before to
                             from written to verbal to nonverbal
                                                                     a fresh perspective. Most of the
                                                                                                             up. I learned to make all the
                                                                     rest of my day is spent creating
                             overlooked is visual communication.
                                                                                                             traditional Italian dishes that I
                             For ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions
                                                                     assets for print and digital needs
                                                                     that range from brochures to trade
                             Americas in New Haven, CT, Senior
                                                                                                             I also love experimenting in the
                             Graphic Designer Cynthia Amuro          show displays and HTML emails to        share now with my own family.
                                                                                                             kitchen and exploring cuisine
                             pioneers this art.                      social media images – and a whole       from other cultures.”
                             Cynthia’s typical day sees her artistic   lot more!”                            After hours when she’s not in
                             talents touching many different         Being in such a widely variable field   the kitchen, you can find Cynthia
                             venues and brings her mind to           demands deep creativity, but for        spending quality time with her
                             different places.                       Cynthia, that’s always come naturally.   husband, her two daughters,
                             “I like to start my day by working on   “I love being creative! I’ve always been   and her dog.
                             comps for projects that heavily rely    an artist, since I was a small child. You
                             on creativity such as logo design,      couldn’t keep the paintbrushes and
                             a challenging brochure layout, or       crayons out of my hands. Not much
                             developing a complete theme for         has changed.”
                             an experiential marketing event,”

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