Page 14 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 14

Dan Torres

    Program Details          Production Control Lead
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Pemko Manufacturing

                             Bridging the gap

                             It’s one thing to have great products,   “It can become hectic very quickly.    While Dan has helped create
                             but another entirely to make sure       Being able to multi-task is vital to    a harmonious environment in
        2022 Winners         delivered in a timely manner, getting   and task management skills, Dan has     warehouse, he has loftier long-
                                                                     meeting the numerous deadlines set
                                                                                                             the current iteration of Pemko’s
                             those products are produced and
                                                                     by each of these functions.”
                             them in your customers’ hands as
                                                                                                             term goals, envisioning even more
                                                                     In addition to his technical expertise
                                                                                                             collaboration between departments
                             quickly as possible. For Dan Torres,
                                                                                                             in the future.
                             Production Control Lead at Pemko in
                             Ventura, CA, that’s the goal when he
                                                                     time at Pemko, noting how invaluable
                             comes into work every day.              also honed his people skills during his   “I would like to bridge the gap
                                                                                                             between order entry, the profit
                                                                     his workplace relationships are.
                             Dan’s department oversees               “In the few years I have worked         centers and customer service. There
                             scheduling orders, distributing         in production control, I have           are times when problems that arise
                             work orders, changing out orders,       established a good rapport with         on the floor could potentially be
                             and addressing customer service         department supervisors and leads.       solved long before the order is
                             requests. With these all being vital    I feel this allows Pemko to function    scheduled. In my mind, if we can get
                             tasks that require a good deal of       at a higher level. There is no shortage   orders to the floor that are verified,
                             care, Dan credits his ability to give   of expedite requests, and having        we cut down on departmental
                             attention to many different projects    positive relationships creates an       question holds and lead times.”
                             at once for his professional success.   atmosphere where each team              In his leisure time, you can find Dan
                                                                     member wants to help, not simply        running, playing music, or watching
                                                                     comply for the job’s sake.”             movies with his friends and family.

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