Page 17 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 17

Diana Londoño

    Program Details          Correa

                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Trade Marketing Coordinator
                             ASSA ABLOY Colombia

                             Putting your heart into what you do

                             At any company, the most important      “I find it interesting how dynamic      One of Diana’s biggest motivators
                                                                     my work can be,” Diana tells us,
                             relationship is the one you have        “Developing ideas, making proposals     in treating everyone she meets with
        2022 Winners         there are other relationships to        for the points of sale, and working     “The people, the ASSA ABLOY team
                             with your customer base. However,
                                                                                                             empathy is the warmth she’s found in
                                                                                                             her work community at ASSA ABLOY
                             maintain that can prove just as
                                                                     hand in hand with the sales team
                                                                     is what I like the most about my job.”
                             important – such as the ones you
                             build with fellow merchants and
                             suppliers. For ASSA ABLOY Colombia,
                                                                     other teams within the company,
                                                                                                             ready for anything and above all,
                             Trade Marketing Coordinator Diana       Whether it be with her own team,        is a super open, receptive team,
                                                                                                             affectionate. They make you feel at
                                                                     or new colleagues from around the
                             Londoño Correa is one of the keys to    world, the one constant with Diana      home. There is an incredible culture
                             maintaining those relationships.        is her level of effort and care in      of accompaniment and transmitting
                             A typical day for Diana involves        everything she touches.                 confidence within work teams.”
                             contacting suppliers for current        “I think how I make a difference
                             and future projects, reviewing new      is through doing things with the
                             requests from potential suppliers,      greatest commitment. I have a
                             and collaborating with                  phrase that I always say: ‘I do
                             ASSA ABLOY Colombia’s internal          things with enthusiasm and put
                             sales team. Working with an ever-       my heart into everything.’ I’m
                             changing cast of colleagues can be      always working as part of a team
                             intimidating, but Diana embraces the    and try to be empathic with each
                             fast pace.                              person I work with.”

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