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Enza Formica

    Program Details          Electric Hinge Assembly Team Lead
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             McKinney Products

                             Going above and beyond

                             While the basis of a successful         “The multi-tasking aspect of my jobs    While Enza takes pride in her
                             company is assembling effective         always keeps me busy throughout         ability to multitask and execute
        2022 Winners         make or break a successful venture.     of different jobs makes each day        reaching than she realizes. Ken Grant,
                             teams, the leaders of those teams can
                                                                     the day,” Enza explains, “The influx
                                                                                                             tasks, her impact is even further
                                                                     interesting. Even though the work is
                                                                                                             Operations Manager and Enza’s
                             In the Electric Assembly department
                                                                     repetitive, I always feel like I get to
                                                                                                             supervisor, lauded her attention to
                             of McKinney in Berlin, CT, Team Lead
                                                                     work on something new every day.”
                                                                                                             safety and dedication to effective
                             Enza Formica oversees making sure
                             everything goes smoothly.
                             A typical day for Enza revolves around   Even while managing many tasks at      “Enza continued to go above
                                                                     once, Enza and her team still pride
                             multitasking and balancing different    themselves on being detail oriented.    and beyond by making sure that
                             aspects of the assembly process,        This effort has shown in the numbers,   safety was always number 1 while
                             from preparing parts to managing        as their department currently has       keeping the focus on taking care
                             the timeline of job completion. This    the least number of late orders at      of customer needs,” Ken tells us,
                             involves some in-depth prioritizing,    their location.                         “Additionally, Enza is very effective at
                             but Enza says the ever-changing         “I am dedicated to my job and strive    communicating with management
                             landscape of tasks is a favorite part    to do the best that I can. This allows   and her peers. She’s also fully
                             of her job.                             me to get orders out before their       attuned to the business’ short- and
                                                                     due dates.”                             long-term vision. She exemplifies the
                                                                                                             true meaning of People Making
                                                                                                             a Difference.”

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