Page 23 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 23

Ivo Bernardino

    Program Details          Da Silva

                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Production Supervisor

                             Showing team spirit

                             When it comes to efficient              managing safety to collaborating        Ivo’s impact has drawn notice from
                             production and meeting fulfillment      with other departments to improve       his supervisors and colleagues,
        2022 Winners         Sorocaba, Brazil, difference-makers     “I start my day with a safety dialogue   “Ivo has proven that he can effectively
                             deadlines, rock-solid leadership is
                                                                                                             specifically Joao Carlos Mahmud Jr.,
                                                                                                             Operations Manager for Metalika.
                             key to keeping everyone and
                             everything on track. For Metalika of
                                                                     in the factory and guide the main
                                                                                                             adapt to changes and be an inspiring
                                                                     jobs to the production leaders.
                             like Production Supervisor
                             Ivo Bernardino Da Silva are that
                                                                     departments to update tasks and
                                                                                                             an incredible team spirit,” Joao tells
                             elite leadership.                       Which leads to a meeting with all       leader, as well as always showing us
                                                                                                             us. “Ivo always gives ASSA ABLOY
                                                                     set priorities, guiding the rest of the
                             “My responsibility is to monitor        day’s work. I also monitor all actions    his all.”
                             production, the orders process,         of my directs throughout the day.”      Making a difference at ASSA ABLOY
                             the quality of the manufactured         Overall, all this people-oriented work   has become a family affair for Ivo,
                             products, the security of all           impacts Ivo positively, kickstarting    with both his son and daughter also
                             employees, and to keep the team         his creativity and ability to lead.     working for the company in the IT
                             motivated day by day.” Ivo explains.
                                                                     “What makes my team stand out is        department. Outside of work, you
                             Outside of keeping his team             the freedom of expression we create,    can find Ivo spending time with
                             motivated, Ivo’s job involves a lot     and the brainstorming that we do to     them and his wife.
                             more people-oriented work, from         apply good practices to the company.”

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