Page 27 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 27
Kelvin Sousa Silva
Program Details Controllership Assistant
Finding ways to achieve
Without solid logistics management, to everyone’s experience inside specifically, Alexandre Mezo,
even the proudest and most and outside the company,” Kelvin Controller at Metalika, who provided
2022 Winners fall apart fast. This is why difference- interesting, but it´s a friendly “He is very motivated: His motivation
accomplished of operations can
explains. “The routine is very
a detailed breakdown of what he
feels makes Kelvin a difference-maker.
environment, and people around me
makers like Kelvin Sousa Silva,
Controllership Assistant for Metalika
help with teamwork. It was certainly
and energy can be perceived by
in Sorocaba, Brazil, are a requirement
challenging at the beginning, but
I feel like I´m adapting while also
for success.
us. “You can tell that he truly wants
the company and colleagues to have
A typical day for Kelvin includes showing my potential.” those around him,” Alexandre tells
organizing and performing inventory While staying on top of his highly a good performance. He is always
counts, updating Fixed Assets detail-oriented daily tasks, Kelvin learning new things: he shows
records, and supporting financial also finds time to innovate. He is interest in different subjects and
closings. Managing such highly constantly involved in collaborations wanting to hear what people have to
focused work in a fast-paced setting with the IT team to automate say. He is not happy until he gets at
can be daunting, but Kelvin says he and optimize systems within his least an overall understanding of the
finds solace in those around him. department, leading to a better and issues that are brought to him. Lastly,
“ASSA ABLOY is a very dynamic more efficient environment for him he is very polite and friendly: Even in
environment that always has and his team. difficult situations, he always shows
multiple situations and issues to be Kelvin’s multi-faceted talents have respect for people around him.”
solved at once, which contributes been noticed by his teammates,
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