Page 31 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 31
Mark Denham
Program Details Regional Customer Service Manager
ASSA ABLOY Service Center, Ontario
Always lending a helping hand
As most any consumer would tell This spirit of being helpful reflects not Even with all his achievements and
you, a positive customer service only on Mark’s customer interactions, impacts on those around him, Mark
2022 Winners company’s reputation. This makes “I love teaching our shop employees done alone, and practices gratitude
experience can make or break a
but with his colleagues as well.
knows that nothing worthwhile is
toward the cast of people, both
effective personnel in this field
that have been here for a while,
internal and external, who make his
especially critical. Fortunately
and that feeling when they finally
days at work better.
for ASSA ABLOY Service Center
of Ontario, CA, they have
it interesting to help the customer
difference-makers like Mark Denham, get it is a great feeling. I also find “It has been a pleasure working with
all of the people that have come and
to understand what they don’t
Regional Customer Service Manager. understand.” gone at this company over the years
“My primary responsibilities are order It even extends outside the walls of and not just at the service center.
entry, and to help customers with the workspace. I would like to thank all of the people
whatever they may need,” Mark who took time out of their day to
explains, “I also do the scheduling “My daughter-in-law’s mother needed vote for me for this award.”
for the shops, and help the shop an oil change in her car and didn’t
guys to understand templates to have the money to take it to a
make sure they prep the products mechanic, and they asked if I could
that they’re modifying correctly. help. I was happy to and the oil
I really just try to help out wherever change is done.”
or whenever needed.”
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