Page 36 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 36


    Program Details          Mallea Leiva

                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             A1 Master / Assembler
                             Odis SPA

                             The power of collaboration

                             Excellence in assembly and              and then supervise the work that my     all have a very good disposition. They
                             construction is an easy thing to        As far as Robinson’s motivation to      are focused on achieving daily tasks.”
                                                                     team does throughout the day.”
        2022 Winners         A1 Master / Assembler Robinson          come in and raise the standard of       team, Robinson believes in the power
                             take for granted in manufacturing,
                                                                                                             But even outside of his immediate
                             but it truly takes an army of
                             dedicated professionals to achieve it
                                                                                                             of collaboration and keeping your
                                                                     manufacturing quality every day, it’s
                             consistently. At Odis SPA in Chile,
                                                                                                             ears open for improvement, both at
                                                                     in his blood.
                                                                                                             work and outside of it.
                             Mallea Leiva leads his team to these
                                                                     and he taught me how to work in
                             high marks of achievement.              “My father always liked metalworking    “I believe that from everyone you
                                                                     what I do today.”                       learn something.”
                             Day-to-day, Robinson’s main
                             responsibilities revolve around being   While the product is Robinson’s         On the weekends, you can find
                             the line leader in the door assembly    primary focus, he also takes the        Robinson staying active on the soccer
                             area that includes leaves and frames.   wellbeing of his team very seriously.    pitch, relaxing at the theater taking in
                             Delegating to maximize productivity     His leadership has led to a             the latest movies, or spending quality
                             has become a strong suit of his.        harmonious work environment             time with his three children.
                                                                     in the door assembly department.
                             “First, my supervisors let me know the
                             planning of the work to be done for     “I have a very good team; they always
                             the day,” Robinson explains. “Then,     support me in my management. We
                             I tell my team which tasks to focus on,   all work at the same pace, and they

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