Page 40 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 40
Terry Gulledge
Program Details Industrial Engineer
Norton Door Controls
Always seeking new challenges
“Though monthly goals sometimes Terry’s job comes with many technical efficient and accessible environment
responsibilities, including managing
seem unachievable, my team scheduling for painting sequences for his entire department.
2022 Winners month’s end.” and product availability, creating also found solace in another family,
seems to always pull through by
Outside of his work family, Terry has
and releasing orders, and meeting
Engineers, while essential to help
which he found and continues to
customer requests. However, even in
foster through his faith.
drive companies forward, face a
large and challenging workload that
team player and keep his coworkers
can prove daunting. But for Terry all this, Terry makes an effort to be a “Spending time with my church family
means everything to me.”
Gulledge, Industrial Engineer at on the priority list.
Norton Door Controls of Monroe, “I’ve worked with some good people When he’s not spending time at
NC, it’s a welcome challenge, even for many years – almost seems like church or with his wife, 3 sons, and
in tough times. family. Business is steady and there 5 grandchildren, you can find Terry
enjoying a nice day out on the links.
“Seeing new challenges and are always new faces.” “I love all sports and like to play golf as
opportunities every day is what makes Terry’s people-first mindset also much as possible.”
my job interesting,” Terry explains. extends directly to his tasks. One
“It is interesting to see goals achieved of his proudest achievements was
when things look dismal at first. It creating a report system designed
is also interesting to see how many to be more user-friendly to
doors are being installed throughout communicate with his colleagues
the world each and every day.” on the shop floor, creating a more
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