Page 38 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 38
Stacie Browder
Program Details Brand Marketing & Print Production Manager
Electromechanical Solutions Group
It’s the little things that make a difference
In business, how you present your media advertising campaigns that from lending a hand. We really enjoy
brand determines everything, from “There’s never truly a typical day,” working and spending time together.
are constantly evolving.
2022 Winners There are many pieces of building Stacie explains. “There’s always Even with all her professional
how customers perceive you to
We’re a true team!”
how likely they are to buy from you.
something new to do or something
expertise and accomplishments,
an effective brand, but effective,
new to learn. Being able to pivot to
Stacie remains looking forward
smart marketing can be a colossal
difference-maker. This is where Stacie
encompassing ASSA ABLOY brand.
the job interesting.”
Browder, Brand Marketing & Print new projects and challenges keeps with visions of an even more
Production Manager, comes in for Stacie credits the vigor of her team “I’d love to see ASSA ABLOY and
her company, Electromechanical of coworkers for bringing out the the EMS Group find ways to
Solutions Group (EMS) of Phoenix, AZ. best in her, specifically in how she become involved in bringing lasting,
approaches challenging times. sustainable change to our local
A typical day for Stacie involves using communities. That to me would truly
marketing strategies to support the “Marketing is a group of highly exemplify the ASSA ABLOY vision of
ASSA ABLOY brand, collaborating collaborative and action-oriented helping people ‘experience a safer
with multi-functional teams to peers. We all come to the table and more open world.’”
establish the strategic direction with different but complementary
of marketing initiatives for existing personalities and skills, and with
and new product launches, and respect for each other and our
launching various print and digital special capabilities. We’re always up
for a challenge and never shy away
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