Page 37 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 37
Ross Salfer
Program Details Lead Project Estimator
Specialty Products
Staying positive during difficult times
In a field that requires as much also responsible for updating and With these costs identified, we
specialization and custom options maintaining the pricing software have been able to keep our targeted
2022 Winners projects are commonplace. In order Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, These turbulent times have also
margins within our goals.”
program used by our S.I.S.
as access solutions, unconventional
estimating team.”
to be effective, every step of the
sharpened Ross’ people skills, on
process, from design to pricing,
both side of the product.
supply chain issues have rattled
requires immaculate attention to
detail. On the pricing end of things,
solutions being no different. As an
with other team members, both in
Security Metal Products in Ontario, almost every industry – with access “I share as much knowledge as I can
estimator, Ross and his team have
CA trusts Lead Project Estimator had to adapt to some of the most the estimating teams and in other
Ross Salfer to work with clients and turbulent and unstable times in departments. I also help customers
deliver value. history when it comes to pricing on with technical support of our
“The Specialty & Integrated Solutions supplies. However, Ross sees it as a specialty products, so they can be
better informed when choosing a
(S.I.S.) estimating team provides point of pride that they’ve been able product that will meet the specific
job specific quotes and technical to rise above and stay consistent. needs of their project.”
support for specialty doors and “My proudest achievement over the
frames,” Ross explains, “In addition, past few years has been leading Outside work, you can find Ross
as Lead Estimator, I am the liaison a team that stayed on top of the spending time outside or with his
between S.I.S. management and the material costs, which fluctuated wife, children, and grandchildren.
rest of the estimating team. I am more than in memorable history.
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