Page 32 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
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Mark Karabin
Program Details Technical Support Manager
Medeco Security Locks, Inc .
Providing our customers the best support
Making a customer feel supported our Professional Services programs This selfless nature, one shared by
both during and after the purchase where we deploy technicians both Mark and the members of
2022 Winners leaves them fully satisfied. And in and arrange training activities for Medeco, leading to the formation of
is key in creating an experience that
his team, has proven infectious at
nationwide for break-fix services,
a company-wide attitude of forward
a field as technically demanding as
our customers in the field and/or
thinking – one that makes Mark
access solutions, where even one
mishap can have serious implications,
happy to come into work every day.
solid technical support is a necessity.
interacting with all these different
For Medeco in Salem, VA, Technical But while Mark’s job sees him “The best aspects of my job include
the culture of innovation, our
types of people, he’s not afraid to
Support Manager Mark Karabin and take it even further to spread his products and services. I’m proud of
his team are tasked with creating positive impact. the Medeco name, and my team!”
vital solutions for their customer
base and beyond. “I don’t hold myself within the bounds When he’s not making an impact
of my job description. Anybody at work, you can find Mark traveling
“I lead a team of eight technical is a customer. Whoever they are, with his family, or zipping around
support specialists who take calls, wherever they come from, external town with his wife on their electric
emails, and tickets from the general or internal, if I see or hear a concern, scooters.
public, locksmiths, dealers and I take the opportunity, never thinking,
distributors, on mechanical as well “that’s not my job.” If help, guidance,
as electromechanical solutions,” or a contact are needed, I offer the
Mark explains. “In addition, I manage appropriate assistance.”
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