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Maria Elena

    Program Details          Manzano

                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Production Operator
                             ASSA ABLOY Guadalajara

                             Teamwork, unity, communication

                             “Do things well, deliver a quality      positive team environment. She          “She is a very loyal, patient and
                                                                                                             positive person,” Griselda tells us.
                             product, and teach the importance       often cites teamwork as a key           “She teaches her colleagues how to
        2022 Winners         A simple philosophy, no doubt, but      “I’m always sharing knowledge with      do a job well done. I want to thank
                             of everything we do.”
                                                                     element of her and her team’s
                                                                     consistent results.
                                                                                                             her for being a good colleague,
                             this is the mantra that carries Maria
                                                                                                             it is a pleasure and an honor to
                                                                     my colleagues, and finding the best
                             Elena Manzano, Production Operator
                             at ASSA ABLOY of Guadalajara,
                                                                     explains. “I feel I make a difference by
                             Mexico, to make a difference in her     ways to improve assembly,” Maria        work with her.”
                                                                                                             Outside of work, you can find Maria
                             role each day.                          carrying the responsibility of doing    looking at the newest footwear
                             As a Production Operator, Maria’s       things better every day, and feeling    trends, or shopping online for
                             primary responsibilities are making     the satisfaction that I am doing my     Tupperware or perfume. She also
                             sure orders get delivered on time,      job well.”                              has two daughters.
                             training colleagues on priority order   Not only do Maria’s excellent           “I make an effort to make time for
                             processes, and providing quality        collaboration skills and overall        them as well, so that they always
                             control for orders that leave her       positivity affect those working         feel satisfied.”
                             department.                             for her, but they have also rolled
                             This collaborative environment          upward and inspired her superiors,
                             pushes Maria and her team to learn      specifically Griselda Alejandra Bernal,
                             from each other and make each other     Supervisor at ASSA ABLOY.
                             better, creating an overwhelmingly

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