Page 28 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 28
Manuel Alfaro
Program Details Supply Chain Sourcing Specialist
A positive mindset is everything
Supply chain management has made Managing an effective supply chain the best way to assure continuous
headlines as of late, mainly due to to deliver quality products timely improvement. Keeping an open mind
2022 Winners wreaking havoc on industries changing array of details, but it’s in when you try to make a difference.
pandemic-related interruptions
with people and processes helps a lot
requires immense attention to a
Also, to have the opportunity to
worldwide. This added dimension
this environment that Manuel has
be in touch with people from all
found his niche at work.
of difficulty makes carrying elite
around the world, and to understand
personnel in the sourcing and
supply chain departments critical
management is always ongoing,
through them is one of the best
to hitting goals and deadlines. “It never ends, supply chain different backgrounds and cultures
the logistics never stop. Assuring
ASSA ABLOY Costa Rica trusts the supply for the operation always things my job offers me.”
experts like Manuel Alfaro, Supply make me find new ways to improve After a long day at work, Manuel
Chain Sourcing Specialist, to give products, prices, suppliers and so on.” likes to hit the road on his bike to
them an edge in an increasingly clear his head. “I forget about almost
tight and competitive area. Even in a field that is largely focused everything for a while, and I’m just
on the physical product, Manuel
“It’s my job to assure the supply maintains his passion for people. focused on achieving every challenge
chain for all the final products in the I take on.”
company, providing the best internal “Communication is the key for
customer service to everyone in our everything! I try to be in touch with
operation.” Manuel explains. all my coworkers, know their needs,
and let them know mine. It is
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