Page 26 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 26
Juan Francisco
Program Details Padilla Cerda
Maltex S .A . de C .V .
Having pride in what you do
Excellence in the manufacturing “My work is interesting – I am the Both at work and outside of it, Juan
process is critical for any business trainer of the grinding department, draws inspiration heavily from his
2022 Winners product. While it can be a repetitive this cell. One of my responsibilities with his church, and practices regular
faith. He is part of a musical group
I am certified in each operation of
that aims to deliver a consistent
is to train newly hired employees, as
gratitude, which shows in his view of
process, having people on your
his life, work, and achievements.
well as employees with seniority in
manufacturing team that always put
in extra effort and care can make all
the different areas of the grinding
the difference. For Maltex of Mexico,
environment is very good. What I
that’s where Operator Juan Francisco process. The goal is continuous “I like coming to work, the work
training in the department.”
do gives me satisfaction and I am
Padilla Cerda comes in. Juan also attributes his success to grateful for my entire team. It is an
“I work with the manufacturing of his can-do approach to work. honor to receive this recognition that
special doors, including the welding “I start each shift with a good represents the work of all of us who
and polishing process,” Juan explains attitude, and I believe in always being make up the Maltex family.”
to us. punctual. I am available to work extra
While Juan’s specialties are highly time if necessary to achieve our goals.
technical, his work also calls on him My colleagues and I promote a safe
for collaboration and leadership. work environment by following the
company policies, procedures, code
of conduct, and regulations.”
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