Page 21 - PMAD 2022 Winners eBook_English
P. 21
Fabio Brombatti
Program Details Production Supervisor
The spirit of unity
There are many aspects to delivering equipment, but with getting the Manager at Papaiz Udinese, who
most out of his team.
a quality product, from expert “Primarily, what makes my job “Fabio is essential to our business,
had nothing but praise for him.
2022 Winners and craftsmanship. One of the most interesting is the satisfaction and working with our number 1
design to artisanal construction
important aspects is quality control,
selling product line,” Saulo tells
gratification in conducting the
ensuring that every product that
us. “Striving for continuous
manufacturing process for a product
reaches the customer’s hands is
up to standard. For Papaiz Udinese
attitude of a motivator for changes
dependent mainly on human
in Diadema, Brazil, Production with a complex production process, improvement, he has had the
within the department. Fabio was
interaction and environmental
Supervisor Fabio Brombatti is one of factors,” Fabio explains. “The training able to develop new processes
the difference makers tasked with of colleagues who possess technical and products that exceeded our
upholding this standard of excellence. mastery and developing their expectations, in addition to great
On an average day, Fabio will individual skills, all while remaining integration with new co-workers.
supervise all the production-related focused on the possible positive Customer complaints are down by
activities in his department, including impact on their professional careers, approximately 90%.”
maintenance, quality control, and is something I enjoy.” When he’s not making a difference at
recommending/developing new Fabio’s attention to his team and work, you can find Fabio pursuing his
industrial infrastructure. However, systems has not gone unnoticed interests in film, stand-up comedy,
Fabio’s responsibilities lie not only by his colleagues and supervisors, traveling, and spending time with
with getting the most out of his specifically Saulo Garcia, Industrial his daughter.
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