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P. 19

Edward Santiago

    Program Details          Finishing/Plating Team Lead
                             M A K E S A  DIFFER ENCE

                             Yale Security, Inc .

                             Raising the bar for others

                             Everyone loves that thrill of getting   “Before Edward came to the Paint        “My team always likes to generate
                                                                     Line, the Paint Line averaged about
                             a brand-new product, no matter          170 racks per day,” Brian Dube, Profit   new ideas to present to our
        2022 Winners         Santiago, Finishing/Plating Team Lead   Center Manager, tells us. “After        “Once the supervisor gets a list of
                                                                                                             supervisor,” Edward explains,
                             what it is: that shiny, eye-catching
                             appeal goes a long way. For Edward
                                                                                                             ideas, he’ll ask me to help implement
                                                                     Edward joined the Paint Line, the
                             at Yale Security, Inc. in Berlin, CT,
                                                                                                             them. I try to always complete the list
                                                                     Line now averages about 256 racks
                                                                     per day. There have been days where
                             providing that appeal and accenting
                                                                                                             and then some. To me, doing 120%
                             the premium feel of his company’s
                             products is the name of the game.       the team was able to run over 400       every day benefits everyone.”
                                                                     racks, and, on occasion, run about
                                                                                                             When he’s not putting in the extra
                             Edward and his team prep parts for      600 racks in a day. None of this would   effort at work, you can find Edward
                             painting and provide the quality        have been possible without the          putting in the extra effort in the gym,
                             inspection on every order before it     various changes suggested by Edward     working out, shooting hoops, and
                             goes out to the customer. This point    and his excellent leadership skills.”   training in the boxing ring.
                             in ASSA ABLOY’s production process,     In addition to improving existing
                             formerly a sticking point, is now one   systems, Edward and his team are
                             of their strong suits under Edward’s    brainstorming daily to create new
                             leadership.                             ones and putting in the hours to
                                                                     make sure they’re executed properly.

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