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Embracing a Culture as a

          Stepping Stone for Success

          By Peter Cook, Supervisor of Instructional Technology and Data Management,
          Richard Hayzler, Principal, and Michael Portas, Principal, Pequannock Township
          School District

          Your tolerance for failure           This growth mindset will connect most   supported, our task as leaders is to
          could well define the                specifically to instruction and assess-  ensure that the culture of our building
                                                                                    impacts the culture of our classrooms,
                                               ment, professional development, and
          degree of excellence                 the implementation of meaningful     which directly impacts the mindset of
          you, your school, or any             technology.                          our students.
          organization can achieve.            Encouraging failure as a means to    The natural inclination of any person is
                                               discovering success might sound
                                                                                    to resist failure and to worry, “What if
          Implicit in this statement is a definition   counterintuitive, bordering on outright   my teacher/administrator/parent/coach
          that failure is a temporary condition,   stupid. And yet, we are discovering   doesn’t like what I’m doing?” No matter
          provided you have the right mindset.   that the keys to a growth mindset —   our role, our response to failure dictates
          Call it failure, perhaps. The difference   persistence, grit, mental toughness   the willingness of others to take risks.
          between hard and fast failure and fail-  — all connect back to the individual’s   If we respond to an incorrect response
          ure is akin to saying “I’m not good at   ability to manage failure. Those   with “That’s a great wrong answer,”
          math” and “I’m not good at math, yet.”   individuals tend to adopt the culture   “Right neighborhood, wrong street,” “I
          We propose an approach to school     of the organization that surrounds   hear what you’re saying, but we need
          culture that embraces the risk of failure  them; given that our client base is a   to dig deeper,” or some other variation
          as an inherent component of growth.   generation that is insulated more than   of inclusive feedback, we help to imbue

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -11-       Spring 2018
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