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Articulation Teacher Evaluation connected to his individual goal of
My first step into the new process Another opportunity arose with an identifying personalized professional
development for his staff members
took place with an assistant principal assistant principal who was recently and gauging consistent delivery of
who is leading a committee of high transferred from one building to an- the program at this level. Through the
school teachers in a study of vertical other. He was new to the school and process, the supervisor took careful
articulation. He had never worked at the new to the teachers that he was to notes on a mobile device about
middle school before and expressed a observe. For his collaborative inquiry, delivery of instruction. I observed how
desire to learn more about this level. he developed a spreadsheet in the supervisor assessed best practices
We decided to focus on the kinds of Google documents in order to record and discussed how to articulate this
instructional practices that take place observation data from walkthroughs feedback with teachers. A good part
in eighth grade classrooms and how using the standards in our supervisory of our feedback session centered on
students meet expectations. Ultimately, protocol. He devised columns such developing a series of next steps in
the assistant principal would like to as: (a) planning; (b) learning environ- order to support his program goal. I
provide greater support to students as ment; (c) checking for understanding; commented on his supervisory abilities
they transition to ninth grade. (d) assessment data; and (e) real and his support of staff members.
To develop the observation structure, world connections. Through this
we created a schedule of classroom process, the administrator began his Reflection
visits at our middle schools. The ad- working relationship with those teach-
ministrator selected areas of interest ers on his supervision roster. He was I have been very pleased with the new
such as (a) rigor; (b) presence of a ‘Do able to get a sense of how they con- process and how well the administrative
Now’ activity; (c) amount and type of nect with students and how their work staff has received my outreach to them.
homework given; (d) expectations of evolves on a daily basis. He was not They have seriously considered the
students; and (e) student engagement. relying solely on announced observa- work they do and how to be reflective
Together, we visited 17 classrooms. tions. He, too, wrote email messages to about their practice. To me, this is a
Some were co-teaching sections that teachers summarizing his impressions. beneficial step that changes observation
served special education along with from ‘us versus them’ to a collaboration
regular education students; other As the observer, I that creates a greater investment on
sections were accelerated. We saw prompt discussion their part in the observation.
algebra, language arts, literature, sci- around the topic that Feedback becomes targeted. As the
ence, general math and a session on was selected versus dis- observer, I prompt discussion around
careers conducted by counselors. He the topic that was selected versus
took copious notes. cussing what may have discussing what may have happened
Following the walkthroughs, we spent happened spontaneously spontaneously or what might have
time discussing our impressions. A or what might have oc- occurred to me in the moment. We
good deal of ‘mythology’ about what curred to me in the mo- have a clear purpose for reflection.
takes place in middle school class- ment. We have a clear I have found this process to be
rooms was dispelled. There was active focused, deliberate and meaningful
engagement, rigorous instruction and purpose for reflection. for administrators as I coach them in
high expectations at a level he had their professional capacities. It has
not anticipated. He was so impressed. been gratifying for me as a veteran
Following the visits, he wrote individual Program Delivery administrator to coach others in this
email messages to all teachers noting Program delivery is another option. manner. To borrow a phrase from John
something specific he had seen in Our K-12 music supervisor, for F. Kennedy, I believe this process is
their class and expressing his enthu- example, wanted to study the similar to ‘rising tides lift all boats’
siasm for their work. As such, the consistency of music instruction (1963). If we work collaboratively
administrator had new learning to across elementary schools. The to ensure that our practices are
take back to his articulation committee, focus of his walkthroughs centered challenging, purposeful, effective and
and I commented on his increased on two basic areas: the K-1 general reflective, all members of our school
capacity in instructional leadership, music program and the instrumental community, including administrators,
collaboration and communication. band program. Both of these areas benefit.
About the Author
Dr. Maribeth Edmunds has been an educator for over 35 years, dedicated to academic excellence and high
quality professional development in New Jersey’s schools. Over the course of her career, she has been a
high school English teacher, an elementary school principal and a central office administrator. In her current
role as Director of Secondary Education in South Brunswick, she focuses on improving instructional practice
and developing innovations in Grades 6 through 12. Dr. Edmunds completed her doctoral program at Seton
Hall University where she is an adjunct professor of graduate courses in educational administration.
Educational Viewpoints -7- Spring 2018