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A Pedagogy for Helping
Students Get Along Better
Inside and Outside of School
By Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D., Director of Rutgers Social-Emotional and
Character Development Lab
We are worried about our During what we call STAT – Students 1. creating a problem description
Taking Action Together – classrooms (P), which defines the issue being
kids. We are seeing less civility, engage in social action pedagogy, discussed,
more cynicism, and great disconnect which combines a service-learning 2. brainstorming a list of options (L)
from public institutions. It would almost framework with an empirically validated to solve the problem,
be a good sign if we saw more conflict, social problem-solving intervention and 3. developing and acting on an
but that does not seem to be hap- problem-based learning. STAT is specifi- action plan to solve the problem
pening. Instead, we are seeing more cally tailored to help middle school stu- (A), and
hopeless resignation. dents engage in feasible and personally 4. noticing successes as part
This is not a recipe for a good future, meaningful social action planning and, of ongoing evaluation and
for our young people or for our society. where appropriate, social action within refinement (N).
the existing social studies/history/civics/
current events curriculum. STAT lessons
use the PLAN social action process:
Educational Viewpoints -8- Spring 2018