Page 12 - EdViewptsSpring2018-web_Neat
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an interview? Use maps to P: What was the problem that those throughout New Jersey. While
illustrate other option? Identify a who cheated were trying to solve? materials and web-based resources
current analogue to the historical What were the issues, from their will be ready in August 2018, there
situation studied? perspective? What were the are opportunities to pilot existing STAT
Reflective Improvement – issues from the perspective of materials in the 2017-18 academic
reflection on what was learned teachers and administrators? year. If you are interested, please
from taking this kind of look at a L: What options did they consider to email us at All
historical situation be acceptable ways to resolve the we would ask is for you to provide
us with some feedback about the
It should not be difficult to see this problem? What did they ultimately materials you use.
same pedagogy used for discussing decide? How did they arrive at
current events, such as immigration the decision that cheating was Summary
and gun violence, where widely acceptable?
varying perspectives are held. A: How did they carry out that STAT is an instructional approach
plan? What obstacles did they that helps students to take different
Example #2: Cheating in the school encounter? perspectives, hear those they do
(or other school-related problem) N: How did it work out? What not agree with, and work with peers
The PLAN process can be used to al- consequences did they not with empathy, good communication
skills, and problem solving to consider
low students to develop positions and consider that they should have? creative and constructive ways to
propose actions to resolve an issue in How would their action have address historical, current events, and
the school in real time, as it emerges. been wrong even if they were not current classroom or school-related
This is the best approximation to caught? What can be learned issues. It is designed to fit in social
democracy-in-action, since decisions from their experience that are studies/history/civics/current events
have to be made, many inputs consid- relevant to the present? instruction in middle school and in so
ered, and not everyone’s suggestions doing, promote social-emotional and
will be enacted. However, the process Bring STAT to Your School character development and deepen
will allow for broad input, as well as re- academic learning.
flection on the action and an orientation Thanks to funding from the Einhorn
to monitor for continuous improvement. Family Charitable Trust, the Rutgers
Here is a partial example: Social-Emotional Learning Lab is
bringing STAT to middle schools
About the Author
Maurice J. Elias is Professor, Psychology Department, Rutgers University and Director, Rutgers Social-
Emotional and Character Development Lab ( and the Academy for Social-Emotional
Learning in Schools ( He received the Ernest L. Boyer Outstanding Educator Award
in 2015. Books include Emotionally Intelligent Parenting, The Educator’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence
and Academic Achievement: Social-Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Talking Treasure: Stories to
Help Build Emotional Intelligence and Resilience in Young Children (, Schools
of Social-Emotional Competence and Character (, The Other Side of the Report Card (how schools
and districts can integrate SECD systematically into their ongoing student report cards - Corwin), Urban Dreams:
Stories of Hope, Character, and Resilience, The Joys and Oys of Parenting (Behrman House), and Boost Emotional
Intelligence in Students: 30 Flexible, Research-Based Activities to Build EQ Skills (published by Free Spirit Press). He
writes a blog on Social-Emotional and Character Development (SECD) at
Educational Viewpoints -10- Spring 2018