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CHAPTER 3   •  Integrative Managerial Issues    109
                       ing,” Chief Learning Officer, De-  ment Dealers’ Digest, February    66.  G. Wallace, “Inventor of K-Cups     Report, ‘Beyond the Cup’,” http://
                       cember 2011,  68–72;  A.  Tudor,   12, 2010, 1+; “Nomura Set for   Regrets the Idea,” http://money.  investor.keuriggreenmountain.
                       “Bhattal’s Goal; Keep Lehman   Fight on All Fronts,”  Euroweek,   com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=
                       Talent,”  Wall Street Journal,   December 4, 2009, 49; L. Pea-  k-cups-keurig-inventor-regrets/,   897260, February 19, 2015.
                       April 19, 2010, C5;  A.  Tudor,   cock, untitled,  Personnel Today,   March 4, 2015.   72.  Hamblin, “A Brewing Problem.”
                       “Lehman Defections Continue   November 10, 2009, 25; and A.    67.  Hamblin, “A Brewing Problem.”  73. “No.  1:  PricewaterhouseCoo-
                       at Nomura,” Wall Street Journal,   Tudor, “Nomura Stumbles in    68.  R.  A. Munarriz, “Keurig Cold   pers,”  DiversityInc Online, April
                       March 23, 2010, C5;  A.  Tudor,   New Global Push,”  Wall Street   Heats Up with Dr Pepper Snapple   24, 2012; L. Kwor, “Firms Hail
                       “Nomura  Turns to a Foreigner   Journal, July 29, 2009, A1+.  Deal,”  http://www.dailyfinance.  Chiefs (of Diversity),” Wall Street
                       from Lehman,” Wall Street Jour-   65.  J. Hamblin, “A Brewing Problem,”   com/2015/01/13/keurig-dr-pepper-  Journal, January 5, 2012, B10; S.
                       nal, March 18, 2010, C1; A. Or,   The Atlantic, http://www.theatlantic.  snapple-deal/, January 13, 2015.  Ali, “PWC Chairman Bob Moritz
                       “More Quit Nomura as Bonuses   com/technology/archive/2015/03/   69.  Hamblin, “A Brewing Problem.”  Makes Diversity Personal,” Diver-
                       Lapse,”  Wall Street Journal,   the-abominable-k-cup-coffee-pod-   70.  Ibid.   sityInc, Fall 2011, 42–43; “PwC
                       March 12, 2010, C2; A. Rozens,   environment-problem/386501/,    71.  “Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.   Tops Global Ranking of Firms,”
                       “The Return of Nomura,” Invest-  March 2015.          Releases  2014  Sustainability  Accountancy, November 2011, 10.
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