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27. J. M. Digman, “Personality Struc- 31. See, for example, J. L. Kisamore, Organizational Behavior Online, Empirical Investigation of the Re-
ture: Emergence of the Five Factor I. M. Jawahar, E. W. Liguori, T. L., lationship between Ethical Beliefs,
Model,” in M. R. Rosenweig and L. Mharapara, and T. H. Stone, “Con- June 2010; and P. J. Jordan, N. M. Ethical Ideology, Political Prefer-
W. Porter, eds., Annual Review of flict and Abusive Workplace Be- Ashkanasy, and C. E. J. Hartel, ence and Need for Closure,” Jour-
Psychology, vol. 41 (Palo Alto, CA: haviors: The Moderating Effects of “Emotional Intelligence as a Mod- nal of Business Ethics, August 15,
Annual Reviews, 1990), 417–40; Social Competencies,” Career De- erator of Emotional and Behav- 2001, 347.
O. P. John, “The Big Five Factor velopment International, October ioral Reactions to Job Insecurity,” 42. Based on J. Brockner, Self-Esteem
Taxonomy: Dimensions of Person- 2010, 583–600; P. S. Mishra and Academy of Management Review, at Work: Research, Theory, and
ality in the Natural Language and A. K. Das Mohapatra, “Relevance July 2002, 361–72. Practice (Lexington, MA: Lexing-
in Questionnaires,” in L. A. Per- of Emotional Intelligence for Effec- 35. C. Cherniss and R. D. Caplan, ton Books, 1988), chs. 1–4.
vin, ed., Handbook of Personality tive Job Performance: An Empirical “A Case Study of Implementing 43. See, for instance, R. Vermunt, D.
Theory and Research (New York: Study,” Vikalpa: The Journal for Emotional Intelligence Programs van Knippenberg, B. van Knippen-
guilford Press, 1990), 66–100; and Decision Makers (January–March in Organizations,” Journal of Or- berg, and E. Blaauw, “Self-Esteem
M. K. Mount, M. R. Barrick, and 2010): 53–61; T-Y. Kim, D. M. ganizational Excellence (Winter and Outcome Fairness: Differential
J. P. Strauss, “Validity of Observer Cable, S-P. Kim, and J. Wang, 2001): 763–86; and S. B. Vanessa- Importance of Procedural and Out-
Ratings of the Big Five Personality “Emotional Competence and Work Urch and W. Deuskat, “Build- come Considerations,” Journal of
Factors,” Journal of Applied Psy- Performance: The Mediating Effect ing the Emotional Intelligence of Applied Psychology (August 2001):
chology (April 1996): 272–80. of Proactivity and the Moderating groups,” Harvard Business Re- 621; T. A. Judge and J. E. Bono,
28. See, for example, T. W. Yiu and Effect of Job Autonomy,” Jour- view, March 2001, 81–91. “Relationship of Core Self-Evalua-
H. K. Lee, “How Do Personality nal of Organizational Behavior 36. “Can’t We All Just get Along,” tion Traits—Self-Esteem, general-
Traits Affect Construction Dispute (October 2009): 983–1000; J. M. BusinessWeek, October 9, 2000, 18. ized Self Efficacy, Locus of Control,
Negotiation: Study of Big Five Diefendorff and g. J. greguras, 37. C. Moller and S. Powell, “Emo- and Emotional Stability—With Job
Personality Model,” Journal of “Contextualizing Emotional Dis- tional Intelligence and the Chal- Satisfaction and Job Performance,”
Construction Engineering & Man- play Rules: Examining the Roles lenges of Quality Management,” Journal of Applied Psychology
agement (March 2011): 169–78; of Targets and Discrete Emotions in Leadership and Organizational (February 2001): 80; and D. B.
H. J. Kell, A. D. Rittmayer, A. E. Shaping Display Rule Perceptions,” Development Journal (July– Fedor, J. M. Maslyn, W. D. Davis,
Crook, and S. J. Motowidlo, “Situ- Journal of Management (August August 2001): 341–45. and K. Mathieson, “Performance
ational Content Moderates the 2009): 880–98; J. gooty, M. gavin, 38. See L. A. Downey, V. Papageorgiou, Improvement Efforts in Response
Association between the Big Five and N. M. Ashkanasy, “Emotions and C. Stough, “Examining the to Negative Feedback: The Roles of
Personality Traits and Behavioral Research in OB: The Challenges Relationship between Leadership, Source Power and Recipient Self-
Effectiveness,” Human Perfor- That Lie Ahead,” Journal of Orga- Emotional Intelligence, and Intu- Esteem,” Journal of Management
mance, February 2010, 213–28; R. nizational Behavior (August 2009): ition in Female Managers,” Leader- (January–February 2001): 79–97.
D. Meyer, R. S. Dalal, and S. Bo- 833–38; N. M. Ashkanasy and C. S. ship & Organization Development 44. M. Snyder, Public Appearances,
naccio, “A Meta-Analytic Investi- Daus, “Emotion in the Workplace: Journal (April 2006): 250–64. Private Realities: The Psychology
gation into the Moderating Effects The New Challenge for Managers,” 39. See, for instance, J. Silvester, of Self-Monitoring (New York: W.
of Situational Strength on the Con- Academy of Management Execu- F. M. Anderson-gough, N. R. H. Freeman, 1987).
scientiousness–Performance Rela- tive, February 2002, 76–86; N. M. Anderson, and A. R. Mohamed, 45. See, for example, D. U. Bryant, M.
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tional Behavior (November 2009): S. Daus, “Diversity and Emotions: and Impression Management in Leung, “The Interaction of Self-
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sonality: How to Make the Meta- of Management 28, no. 3 (2002): tional Psychology (March 2002): of Managerial Psychology 26, no.
phor Fit,” Journal of Economic 307–38; S. Fox, “Promoting Emo- 59–77; D. W. Organ and C. N. 2 (2011): 138–54; B. B. Vilela and
Psychology (June 2001): 377; g. tional Intelligence in Organiza- greene, “Role Ambiguity, Locus J. A. V. gonzález, “Salespersons’
M. Hurtz and J. J. Donovan, “Per- tions: Make Training in Emotional of Control, and Work Satisfac- Self-Monitoring: Direct, Indirect,
sonality and Job Performance: Intelligence Effective,” Personnel tion,” Journal of Applied Psychol- and Moderating Effects on Sales-
The Big Five Revisited,” Journal Psychology, Spring 2002, 236–40; ogy (February 1974): 101–02; and persons’ Organizational Citizen-
of Applied Psychology (December B. E. Ashforth, “The Handbook of T. R. Mitchell, C. M. Smyser, and ship Behavior,” Psychology &
2000): 869; W. A. Hochwarter, L. Emotional Intelligence: Theory, De- S. E. Weed, “Locus of Control: Su- Marketing, January 2010, 71–89;
A. Witt, and K. M. Kacmar, “Per- velopment, Assessment, and Appli- pervision and Work Satisfaction,” and P. M. Fandt, “Managing Im-
ceptions of Organizational Politics cation at Home, School, and in the Academy of Management Journal pressions with Information: A Field
as a Moderator of the Relation- Work Place: A Review,” Personnel (September 1975): 623–31. Study of Organizational Realities,”
ship between Conscientiousness Psychology, Autumn 2001, 721–24; 40. I. Zettler, N. Friedrich, and B. E. Journal of Applied Behavioral Sci-
and Job Performance,” Journal of and R. Bar-On and J. D. A. Parker, Hilbig, “Dissecting Work Com- ence (June 2001): 180–205.
Applied Psychology (June 2000): The Handbook of Emotional Intel- mitment: The Role of Machiavel- 46. Ibid.
472; and M. R. Barrick and M. K. ligence: Theory, Development, As- lianism,” Career Development 47. R. N. Taylor and M. D. Dunnette,
Mount, “The Big Five Personality sessment, and Application at Home, International, February 2011, “Influence of Dogmatism, Risk
Dimensions and Job Performance: School, and in the Work Place (San 20–35; S. R. Kessler, A. C. Ban- Taking Propensity, and Intelligence
A Meta-Analytic Study,” Person- Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000). delli, P. E. Spector, W. C. Borman, on Decision Making Strategies for
nel Psychology 44 (1991): 1–26. 32. See, for instance, C. S. P. Fernan- C. E. Nelson, and L. M. Penney, a Sample of Industrial Managers,”
29. Barrick and Mount, “Autonomy as dez, “Emotional Intelligence in “Re-Examining Machiavelli: A Journal of Applied Psychology
a Moderator of the Relationship the Workplace,” Journal of Public Three-Dimensional Model of Ma- (August 1974): 420–23.
between the Big Five Personality Health Management and Practice chiavellianism in the Workplace,” 48. I. L. Janis and L. Mann, Decision
Dimensions and Job Performance.” (February 2007): 80–82. Journal of Applied Social Psychol- Making: A Psychological Analysis
30. See also M. R. Furtner and J. F. 33. “Critical Skills for Workforce ogy (August 2010): 1868–96; W. of Conflict, Choice, and Commit-
Rauthmann, “Relations between 2020,” T&D, September 2011, 19. Amelia, “Anatomy of a Classic: ment (New York: Free Press, 1977).
Self-Leadership and Scores on the 34. R. Pearman, “The Leading Edge: Machiavelli’s Daring gift,” Wall 49. See, for instance, C. P. Cross, L.
Big Five,” Psychological Reports, Using Emotional Intelligence to Street Journal, August 30–31, T. Copping, and A. Campbell,
October 2010, 339–53; R. Barrick, Enhance Performance,” T&D, 2008, W10; S. A. Snook, “Love “Sex Differences in Impulsivity:
M. Piotrowski, and g. L. Stewart, March 2011, 68–71; C. Prentice and Fear and the Modern Boss,” A Meta-Analysis,” Psychological
“Personality and Job Performance: and B. King, “The Influence of Harvard Business Review, January Bulletin, January 2011, 97–130;
Test of the Mediating Effects of Emotional Intelligence on the 2008, 16–17; and R. g. Vleeming, A. A. Schooler, K. Fujita, X. Zou,
Motivation Among Sales Repre- Service Performance of Casino “Machiavellianism: A Preliminary and S. J. Stroessner, “When Risk
sentatives,” Journal of Applied Psy- Frontline Employees,” Tourism Review,” Psychology Reports, Seeking Becomes a Motivational
chology (February 2002): 43–52; & Hospitality Research, January February 1979, 295–310. Necessity,” Journal of Personal-
and I. T. Robertson, H. Baron, P. 2011, 49–66; E. H. O’Boyle Jr., 41. P. Harris, “Machiavelli and the ity and Social Psychology (Au-
gibbons, R. Maclver, and g. Ny- R. H. Humphrey, J. M. Pollack, global Compass: Ends and Means gust 2010): 215–31; A. Chatterjee
field, “Conscientiousness and Man- T. H. Hawver, and P. A. Story, in Ethics and Leadership,” Journal and D. C. Hambrick, “Executive
agerial Performance,” Journal of “The Relation between Emotional of Business Ethics (June 2010): Personality, Capability Cues, and
Occupational and Organizational Intelligence and Job Performance: 131–38; and P. Van Kenhove, I. Risk-Taking: How Narcissistic
Psychology (June 2000): 171–78. A Meta-Analysis,” Journal of Vermeir, and S. Verniers, “An CEOs React to Their Successes