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CHAPTER 9   •  Foundations of Individual Behavior    319
                       and Stumbles,” Academy of Man-  Schmit, J. A. Kihm, and C. Robie,   2011; M. Fertik, “Managing Em-  Personality and Social Psychol-
                       agement  Proceedings,  www.   “Development of a global Mea-  ployees in Their Twenties,” Bloom-  ogy  (March  1998):  753–62;  and
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                       C. Dewberry, and S. Narendran,   Psychology, Spring 2000, 153–93.  19, 2011; M. Richtel, “growing   and L. F. Barrett (eds.), Handbook
                       “The Role of Perceived Costs and    55.  J. F. Salgado, “The Five Fac-  Up Digital: Wired for Distraction,”   of Emotions, 3rd ed. (New York:
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                       Personalities and  Work Environ-  Journal of Managerial Psychology   Executive, February 2005, 7–18.  March 17, 2009, B7; M. Laff, “gen
                       ments (Odessa, FL: Psychological   (July 2000): 655; and T. J. Elkins,    71.  J. Robison, “Be Nice: It’s good   Y  Proves Loyalty  in  Economic
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                       Asian Journal of Psychology, vol.   M. Darley, and D. J. Foss (eds.),   ployees Strike Back: Investigating   114;  V. Nayar, “Employees First,
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                       ability in a Spanish Sample,” Jour-  ported: A Conceptual Framework   117–38; R. Bar-On, The Emotional   the Slump to get Bigger in Ban-
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