Page 325 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 325

324    Part 4   •  Leading
                                              Exhibit 10–2  Stages of Group Development
                storming stage
                The second stage of group development, which is
                characterized by intragroup conflict
                norming stage
                The third stage of group development, which
                is characterized by close relationships and
                performing stage                                                Stage I               Stage II
                The fourth stage of group development, when                     Forming              Storming
                the group is fully functional and works on the
                group task
                adjourning stage
                The final stage of group development for temporary
                groups, during which groups prepare to disband

                                                          Stage III             Stage IV              Stage V
                                                          Norming             Performing            Adjourning

                                              of uncertainty as members “test the waters” to determine what types of behavior are  acceptable.
                                              This stage is complete when members begin to think of themselves as part of a group.
                                                  The storming stage is appropriately named because of the intragroup conflict. There’s
                                              conflict over who will control the group and what the group needs to be doing. When this
                Palmer Luckey (center), inventor of the   stage is complete, a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership and agreement on the group’s
                Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, started a   direction will be evident.
                company to launch his product. Shown here
                in the forming stage of the start-up Oculus   The norming stage is one in which close relationships develop and the group becomes
                VR are hardware engineer Chris Dycus,   cohesive. The group now demonstrates a strong sense of group identity and camaraderie. This
                foreground; Nate Mitchell, vice president of   stage is complete when the group structure solidifies and the group has assimilated a common
                product, left; CEO Brendan Iribe, second from
                right; and Michael Antonov, chief software   set of expectations (or norms) regarding member behavior.
                architect.                                                               The fourth  stage is the  performing
                                                                                     stage. The group structure is in place and
                                                                                     accepted by group members.  Their ener-
                                                                                     gies have moved from getting to know
                                                                                     and understand each other to working on
                                                                                     the group’s task.  This is the last stage of
                                                                                     development for permanent work groups.
                                                                                     However, for temporary groups—project
                                                                                     teams, task forces, or similar groups that
                                                                                     have a limited task to do—the final stage
                                                                                     is the  adjourning stage. In this stage, the
                                                                                     group prepares to disband.  Attention is
                                                                                       focused on wrapping up activities instead
                                                                                     of task  performance. Group members react
                                                                                     in different ways. Some are upbeat, thrilled
                                                                                     about the group’s accomplishments. Others
                                                                                     may be sad over the loss of camaraderie and
                                                                                         Think of a class project you’ve been
                                                                                     involved in and you’ve probably experi-
                                                                                     enced these stages firsthand. Group mem-
                                                                                     bers are selected or assigned and then
                                                                                     meet for the first time. There’s a “feeling
                                                                                     out”  period  to  assess  what  the  group  is
                                                               Ana Venegas/ZUMA Press/Newscom
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